Typically, success is defined in terms of things like increasingly impressive conversion rates, a bigger audience, industry leadership, and the ability to connect with individuals who eventually become your business partners. Irrespective of how you define success, it’s important to know that an effective advertising campaign can play a key role in empowering you to ensure that your business thrives. Banner Edge Media has compiled four of the most effective digital strategies to help make the most of your marketing spend.

1. Do Your Target Market Research.

As many advertising experts know, target market research is the foundation of any strong, effective online marketing campaign. This is the case because knowing your audience well is the key to marketing your products in a manner they will find relevant, appealing, helpful, etc. With this reality in mind, it’s important for you to start implementing target market research strategies that will help you understand things like whether the audience regularly shops online and how their physical location impacts their purchasing behavior. Typically, the target market research process will involve the following four types of data:

Psychographic: Life stage, values, personality, lifestyle, and social class

Geographic: Neighborhood, city, and region

Behavioristic: Attitude, loyalty, consumption, and buying pattern

Demographic: Family size, ethnicity, education, gender, income, and age

2. Use Tracking Methods.

In many cases, marketers will develop an advertising plan and then put the marketing process in full effect. However, these individuals oftentimes forget to use tracking and analytic methodologies to gauge the efficacy of their efforts. Don’t commit this error. If you do, you won’t know which advertising strategies are working and which are ultimately a waste of time. Yet by implementing customized tracking methods, you’ll be able to identify which systems are yielding results. You can then tweak these systems so that you continually attain the best return on investment (ROI). At the same time, you can figure out which methodologies are yielding few or no results and subsequently eliminate them from your plan.

Note that there are a wide range of incredible tracking systems and strategies you can deploy to see what is really going on with your marketing campaign. One of them is the use of online marketing platforms such as Facebook and Google AdWords. These platforms provide people with detailed statistics that pertain to the ads they’re using. Note that the use of this type of analytic methodology doesn’t mean that you will no longer need to conduct experiments and tests. Rather, it means that you will need to figure out which ads resonate with your target audience. The statistical data provided will amplify the marketing process by enabling you to determine which ads are generating results so that you can make speedy decisions regarding what type of images, colors, and screen placement to use the next time around.

3. Decide When You Should Be Advertising.

Oftentimes, marketers begin with the assumption that their marketing efforts should be year-round. This then leads to the development of month-to-month budgeting. On the surface, this may appear to be a practical, prudent course of action. However, it’s important to remember that many aspects of the business and marketing process cannot be scaled. As such, it’s not necessarily ideal for you to cultivate a marketing initiative for the whole year. For example, if you’re within an industry where selling products seasonally is optimal, you would likely want to advertise your goods during the seasons when performance is highest. You might also see value in starting the advertising process early and holding off on other marketing elements until the peak period has past.

4. Implement Branding Strategies.

If your target audience were to look at your advertising copy, logos, and typeface, would they be able to immediately recognize it as your brand? This question is important because the brand recognition process is a precursor to key business-building outcomes such as conversion and product loyalty. Note that customers are typically more likely to invest in a brand that they have heard of a few times than one they know nothing about. This is why it’s a good idea to make them as familiar with your branding imagery and language as possible. In many cases, keeping things both catchy and incredibly simple is the way to make this happen.

The entire process of creating a consistent, appealing image for your brand is referred to as branding. Luckily, there are hundreds and hundreds of branding strategies available to you. One is creating promotional products that feature your company logo, slogan, icons, colors, etc. Coffee cups and pens are just two of many promotional products that small business owners use for branding purposes. To take your branding process into the online world, consider the value of running a social media contest in which you ask your audience to design a new logo for your product line. The winning entry then becomes the image that will subsequently appear on all of your marketing material.


If you run any type of business and are serious about making it as successful as possible, it’s important to know that an effective advertising campaign can help you realize the goal. Use some or all four of the strategies outlined above to keep your small business on track to perpetual progress this year!

Contact Banner Edge Media today to see how we can help you implement and execute the above strategies.

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